Odds Converter
Fraction | Decimal | American | Implied Probability |
You can convert between Decimal, Fractional, and American odds using BettingPremier’s simple odds converter calculator. You can also convert to and from Implied Probability. Just enter a value in any one of the fields and the value will be automatically converted to other formats.
Betting Odds Conversion Table
Fraction | Decimal | American | Implied Probability |
1/5 | 1.20 | -500 | 83.3% |
2/9 | 1.22 | -450 | 81.8% |
1/4 | 1.25 | -400 | 80% |
2/7 | 1.29 | -350 | 77.8% |
3/10 | 1.30 | -333.3 | 76.9% |
1/3 | 1.33 | -300 | 75% |
4/11 | 1.36 | -275 | 73.3% |
2/5 | 1.40 | -250 | 71.40% |
4/9 | 1.44 | -225 | 69.2% |
1/2 | 1.5 | -200 | 66.7% |
8/15 | 1.53 | -188 | 65.2% |
4/7 | 1.57 | -175 | 63.6% |
8/13 | 1.62 | -162 | 61.9% |
4/6 | 1.67 | -150 | 60% |
8/11 | 1.73 | -137 | 57.9% |
4/5 | 1.80 | -125 | 55.6% |
5/6 | 1.83 | -120 | 54.5% |
10/11 | 1.45 | -220 | 68.8% |
Evens | 2.00 | 100 | 50% |
11/10 | 2.10 | 110 | 47.6% |
6/5 | 2.20 | 120 | 45.5% |
5/4 | 2.25 | 125 | 44.4% |
11/8 | 2.38 | 138 | 42.1% |
7/5 | 2.40 | 140 | 41.7% |
6/4 | 2.50 | 150 | 40% |
8/5 | 2.60 | 160 | 38.5% |
13/8 | 2.63 | 163 | 38.1% |
7/4 | 2.75 | 175 | 36.4% |
9/5 | 2.80 | 180 | 35.7% |
15/8 | 2.88 | 188 | 34.8% |
2/1 | 3.00 | 200 | 33.3% |
11/5 | 3.20 | 220 | 31.3% |
9/4 | 3.25 | 225 | 30.8% |
12/5 | 3.40 | 240 | 29.4% |
5/2 | 3.50 | 250 | 28.6% |
13/5 | 3.50 | 250 | 28.6% |
11/4 | 3.75 | 275 | 26.7% |
3/1 | 4.00 | 300 | 25% |
10/3 | 4.33 | 333 | 23.1% |
7/2 | 4.50 | 350 | 22.2% |
4/1 | 5.00 | 400 | 20% |
9/2 | 5.50 | 450 | 18.2% |
5/1 | 6.00 | 500 | 16.7% |
11/2 | 6.50 | 550 | 15.4% |
6/1 | 7.00 | 600 | 14.3% |
13/2 | 7.50 | 650 | 13.3% |
7/1 | 8.00 | 700 | 12.5% |
15/2 | 8.50 | 750 | 11.8% |
8/1 | 9.00 | 800 | 11.1% |
17/2 | 9.50 | 850 | 10.5% |
9/1 | 10.00 | 900 | 10% |
10/1 | 11.00 | 1000 | 9.1% |
11/1 | 12.00 | 1100 | 8.3% |
12/1 | 13.00 | 1200 | 7.7% |
13/1 | 14.00 | 1300 | 7.1% |
14/1 | 15.00 | 1400 | 6.7% |
15/1 | 16.00 | 1500 | 6.3% |
16/1 | 17.00 | 1600 | 5.9% |
18/1 | 19.00 | 1800 | 5.3% |
20/1 | 21.00 | 2000 | 4.8% |
25/1 | 26.00 | 2500 | 3.8% |
33/1 | 34.00 | 3300 | 2.9% |
100/1 | 101.00 | 10000 | 1% |
What is Decimal odds?
Decimal odds quote how much money you will receive if you win, relative to the stake. This type of odds is the most popular due to its simplicity. To calculate the potential return, simply multiply the stake with the odds.
For example, if you place a bet of $5 at odds of 3.0 you will get $15 in return which includes the original stake. The formula to calculate the return is Stake x Odds = Payout.
Most online Bookmakers use Decimal odds as default odds format. Due to its popularity in Europe, Decimal odds are also called as European odds.
What is Fractional odds?
Fractional odds quotes how much profit you will get if win the bet, relative to the stake. Fractional odds are popular in the UK and also in Horse Racing. But this type is relatively unpopular when it comes to online betting.
The formula to calculate the return in fractional odds is ((Stake /denominator) x numerator ) + stake.
For example, if you bet $10 at 2/1 odds then you will get a profit $20. The total return will be $30 (($10 / 1) x 2) + $10). But if you bet $10 at 1/2 odds then the profit will be $5 and the total return will be $15.
The Factional odds are also known as British odds or Traditional odds.
What is American odds?
American odds are also known as Moneyline odds and it is mostly used by bookmakers in the US. There are two variants in this type of odds. They are positive odds and negative odds.
- The positive odds are used to represent the underdog. The positive figure tells how much money you will get if you bet $100. For example, odds of +900 will give you $900 profit on a $100 bet.
- The negative odds are used to represent the favorite. The negative figure indicates how much money you have to bet to win $100. For example, in odds of -500 you have to wage $500 to win $100.
In American odds, if two teams are evenly matched then both of them will have a negative figure (like -110 -105).
Odds conversion complete guide
In the various sections below, we have taken odds of 4 different matches as an example and converted odds given in one format to all other formats and also to implied probability.
How to convert from Decimals odds?
Consider an example: A betting site has fixed decimal odds of 1.40 for Lazio to win over Empoli. Find the conversion of the Decimal Odds 1.40 to its other formats with the formulas and explanations below.
Converting Decimal odds to Fractional odds
The decimal format is the most common format used by the bookmakers. In order to know the converted fractional format of it, a simple calculation of Odds – 1 has to be performed, with the resulting value reduced to its lowest form is the fractional format of the odds.
Odds-1 = Outcome
Multiply and divide by 10/100/1000 and reduce to its simplest form
Outcome = 1.40 – 1 => 0.40
=> [(0.40 *100) /100]
=> 40/100
=> 2/5
Converting Decimal odds to American odds
Since the American Odds are categorized into two, it is important to check whether the odds satisfy any of the two criteria listed below. If the odds are greater than or equal to 2, then 1 is reduced from the odds and multiplied with 100. If the odds are less than 2, then -100 is divided by the odds-1 value and gives the outcome.
>=2.00 –> (odds-1)*100 = Outcome
<2.00 –> [(-100)/ (odds-1)] = Outcome
According to the considered example, 1.40 is less than 2 and therefore the second formula has to be used.
<2.00 –> [(-100)/ (odds-1)] = Outcome
Outcome = [(-100)/ (1.40-1)]
=> [(-100)/ 0.40]
=> -250
If the value was 3.42, which is greater than 2.00, the first formula should be applied as follow:
>=2.00 –> (odds-1)*100 = Outcome
Outcome = [(3.42-1)* 100]
=> 2.42*100
=> 242
Converting Decimal odds to Implied Probability
In order to convert decimal odds to the implied probability, a simple formula of 1 divided by the odds and then multiplied by 100 gives the expected outcome.
[(1/odds)*100] = Outcome
Outcome = [(1/1.40)*100]
=> 0.7142*100
=> 71.4%
How to convert from Fractional odds?
Let us consider the Real Madrid vs Valencia match, in accordance with a betting site the odds fixed for Real Madrid to win the match is 7/1 in fractional odds. The converted odds of Real Madrid to win the match in various formats are explained with the help of formulas below:
Converting Fractional odds to Decimal
The fractional odds are also used by many sites and are sometimes complex to understand. In order to convert the fractional odds to decimal odds, the (numerator value is divided by the denominator value) and later 1 is added to it to get the final result.
Divide Numerator by Denominator [(N/D) +1] = Outcome
Outcome = [(7/1) +1]
=> 7+1 = 8
=> 8.00
Converting Fractional odds to American odds
The American odds have two formulas in order to find the positive and negative odds from the fractional odds. Before performing the calculations, check whether the fixed odds come under the first category or the second. The odds that are over 1/1 is calculated as follow: (numerator value divided by denominator) and further multiplied by 100. For the odds under 1/1, -100 is divided by (numerator divided by denominator).
Over 1/1 –> [(N/D) *100] = Outcome
Under 1/1 –> [-100/ (N/D)] = Outcome
With the 7/1 odds fixed for Real Madrid, it is clear that the odds is over 1/1 and hence the first formula has to be chosen.
Over 1/1 –> [(N/D) *100] = Outcome
Outcome = [(7/1)* 100]
=> 7*100
=> 700
Under 1/1 –> [-100/ (N/D)] = Outcome
Suppose the odds was 1/6, which is under 1/1, then this formula should be used to find the American odds of the given fractional odds.
Outcome = [-100/ (1/6)]
=> [-100/0.1667]
=> -599.88
=> -600
Converting Fractional odds to Implied Probability
The conversion of fractional odds to the implied probability is very simple that can be done as the Denominator divided by (Denominator + Enumerator), which is later multiplied by 100.
{[D/ (D+N)] *100} = Outcome
Outcome = {[1/ (1+7)] *100}
=> [1/8] *100
=> 0.125 *100
=> 12.5%
How to convert from American Odds?
Under this American Odds to Other Formats section, each format will have two types, as the American odds have two values, favorites and underdogs.
Let us take an example of the Borussia M’gladbach vs Leipzig match for which a betting site has fixed -140 (favorites) for Leipzig and +120 (underdogs) for M’gladbach. Find out the formats of the fixed odds:
Converting American odds to Decimal
As the American Odds have two types, there are two methods to convert them into decimal form. For positive odds, the odds are divided by 100 and 1 is added to it. For negative odds, 100 is divided by the odds and 1 is added to it.
+odds –> (odds/100) +1 = Outcome
-odds –> (100/odds) +1 = Outcome
+odds –> (odds/100) +1 = Outcome
Outcome = (120/100) +1
=> 2.2
-odds –> (100/odds) +1 = Outcome
Outcome = (100/140) +1
=> 1.71
Converting American odds to Fractional
The positive odds has to be divided by 100 and further reduced to its lowest form to get the final result, whereas for the negative odds 100 has to be divided by the odds and further reduced to its lowest form.
+odds –> odds/100 = Outcome
Multiply and divide by 10/100/1000 and reduce to its simplest form
-odds –> 100/odds = Outcome
Multiply and divide by 10/100/1000 and reduce to its simplest form
+odds –> odds/100 = Outcome
Multiply and divide by 10/100/1000 and reduce to its simplest form
Outcome = (120/100)
=> 6/5
-odds –> 100/odds = Outcome
Multiply and divide by 10/100/1000 and reduce to its simplest form
Outcome = (100/140)
=> 5/7
Converting American odds to Implied Probability
In order to get the implied probability, for the positive odds 100 has to be divided by (the odds added with 100) and at last multiplied by 100, while for the negative odds, after converting the negative odds into positive, the odds are divided by the (odds added with 100) and later multiplied with 100.
+odds –> [100/ (odds+100)] *100 = Outcome
-odds –> {[-(-odds)] / [-(-odds) +100]} *100 = Outcome
+odds –> [100/ (odds+100)] *100 = Outcome
Outcome = [100/ (120+100)] *100
=> [100/ 220] *100
=> 0.4545 *100
=> 45.5%
-odds –> {[-(-odds)] / [-(-odds) +100]} *100 = Outcome
In this conversion, the negative value has to be converted into a positive number
Outcome = {[-(-140)]/ [-(-140) +100]} *100
=> [(140)/ (140 +100)] *100
=> 0.5833*100
=> 58.33
How to convert Implied Probability to Odds
Implied probability represents the likely would of the expected outcome in percentage. Converting the odds to implied probability helps a wager to understand the probability of the outcome.
Let us consider the match between Manchester City and Chelsea in which a betting site offers 64.4% chances for Chelsea to beat Manchester City.
The conversion of the Implied Probability of 64.4% to its other formats is explained with the formula below.
Getting Decimal odds from Implied Probability
After knowing the implied probability, the next step is to know which odds are in favor of the wager. To convert the probability into decimal odds, 1 is divided by the probability and the resulting value is the outcome.
1/probability = Outcome
Outcome = [1/ (64.4/100)]
=> (1/0.644)
=> 1.55
Getting Fractional odds from Implied Probability
In order to get the fractional odds from the implied probability, 1 is divided by the probability and further 1 is reduced from the output which gives the outcome represented in the form of a fraction.
[(1/probability)-1] = Outcome
Outcome = {[1/ (64.4/100)] -1}
=> [(1/0.644)-1]
=> 0.55
Getting American odds from Implied Probability
As the American odds involve two representations, two criteria have been fixed for the probability to American odds conversion. Before proceeding with the conversion, it is important to if the probability is less than or equal to 0.5 or greater than 0.5 by dividing the value by 100.
For odds less than or equal to 0.5, (1 minus the probability) is divided by the implied probability and the output is further multiplied with 100. If the odds are greater than 0.5, then the probability is divided by (1 minus probability) and the resulting output is multiplied with 100 to get the final outcome.
<=0.5 –> [(1-probability)/ probability]*100 = Outcome
>0.5 –> [probability/ (1-probability)]*100 = Outcome
In this case, the value is 0.644 (64.4/100). 0.644 is greater than 0.5 and hence the second formula has to be used.
>0.5 –> [probability/ (1-probability)]*100 = Outcome
Outcome = {(64.4/100) /[1-(64.4/100)]}*100
=> [0.644/ (1-0.644)]*100
=> -180.89
=> -181
<=0.5 –> [(1-probability)/ probability]*100 = Outcome
If the implied probability was 44.4%, then this formula should be used as the probability will be 0.444 and the calculation will be as follow
Outcome = [1-0.444/ 0.444]*100
=> +125.22
=> +125
How do the Bookmakers fix the odds?
The bookmakers fix the odds of the matches based on an ensured profit for them. While converting odds to percentages it is to be noted that there is always a bookmaker percentage inbuilt into the deal.
This can be very well explained with an example. Consider the Liverpool vs Manchester United match. The odds fixed are:
- Liverpool: 1.61
- Manchester United: 5.00
- Draw: 4.00
If we calculate the odds to its respective probabilities on each of the three outcomes for the match, it will not total 100%.
The probability will be more than 100%. In the above scenario, the converted probability is 107.1%. Most of the totals are range from 103% to 110%, which is said to be the margin that the bookmakers earn as profits per match.
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